Knowledge Vs Creativity

 We were asked the question "Does the amount of knowledge you know and skills you have restrict you creativity?" at first it was a simple "Yes" or "No" answer, and we either agreed or disagreed with the statement. But then as we discussed our opinions as a class, we discovered that it wasn't as simple as that. Some of the  things that we figured out were that:


  • You get into habit and routine of doing things a certain way, so do not try to be more creative and imaginative.
  • You could be taught a certain way, and so, because you have been taught this way, you believe that is the correct way, and so do not attempt to do it any other way.

  • If you know more knowledge and skills, then you will gain the confidence to go out of your comfort zone, and become more creative.
  • Going through and learning how to do a process "properly" you may become inspired by it, and therefore become more creative in what you do with your knowledge.

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