How we are going to create enigma

With the character:
We will not introduce our character directly straight away. instead we will build up tension, and keep his identity an enigma at first. We will do this by not showing his face at first, so that the audience does not see his face straight away, and so do not feel connected to the character, which builds up the tension and enigma. We will also use editing to change the pace of the shots to contrast with the very slow, time-expanding shots beforehand. 

With the Mobile Phones:
We want to create an enigma around the mobile phones, as they are one of the main components to our plot, and so we want to establish this in the opening 2 mins of the film. However, as the film is a Thriller, we want to keep the audience on the edge of their seats, and so want to have a plot twist/ mystery, and so want to keep an enigmatic feel around the McGuffin of the mobile phones. In order to do this, we will hint to the audience that technology has a part to play in the plot, and so at the beginning, we will have a sequence where people using mobile phones, all in different locations, flashing very quickly up on the screen. The bodies featured in the second hald of the opening will also all be holding/ near a mobile object.  

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